Being in ISP gives you the feeling of a small liberal arts college community inside a larger university. Living together in Hill College House means sharing your initial college learning experiences with your fellow ISPers. You will be learning together, living together, discussing Descartes in the dining hall, staying up late combing over the virtues of different political theorists from Aristotle to Arendt, helping one another to figure out the different stages of modern cosmological theories such as the Big Bang, or collaboratively writing your own re-interpretations of Milton's Paradise Lost.
At the same time, you will get the opportunity to connect with a network of 3rd and 4th-year students who have gone through ISP and are currently Benjamin Franklin Scholars in the college. This network lays the foundation for collaboration and friendship throughout your Penn experience.
As a BFS member, Integrated Studies students have access to a vibrant calendar of BFS-only events, including masterclasses by renowned faculty, excursions and social gatherings, hiking trips and dinners. For a description of the BFS extracurricular program, see our instagram page.
BFS students also have access to dedicated summer funding for research and to support underpaid or unpaid summer internships. See here.
Finally, BFS students are part of a fifty-plus year fellowship of Benjamin Franklin Scholars, a network of alumni who can help you when you leave Penn.