Ralph M. Rosen is Vartan Gregorian Professor of Humanities in the Department of Classical Studies. He graduated from Swarthmore College with a B.A. in Greek and Latin and received his Ph.D. in Classical Philology from Harvard University. He has published extensively in various areas of Greek and Roman literature and intellectual history, with special focus on comic and satirical literary genres, comparative poetics, ancient aesthetics, and ancient medicine, especially Galen. He is cofounder of the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values, and coeditor of five published volumes (Brill) of essays from these events. Among his other books are Making Mockery: The Poetics of Ancient Satire (Oxford, 2007), the co-edited collections Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic (Brill, 2016), and Hip Sublime: Beat Writers and the Classical Tradition (OSU Press, 2018) He is also co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Companion to Galen (Oxford U. Press) and Aristophanes and Politics: New Studies (Brill/Columbia). He is currently working on various projects on Hippocrates, Galen, Aristophanes, and Old Comedy, and is serving as Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the School of Arts and Sciences and Faculty Director of Riepe College House.